Mumbaba is an independent music group for babies and toddlers based in Emsworth which is run by Becky and her Mum, Kate. Mumbaba has been around since the 80’s and is a well known name around Emsworth.
Becky is a qualified music teacher and has had experience working with students with complex disabilities, teaching music, life skills, maths and English.
Becky is Makaton trained and loves to bring singing and signing together. She offers music groups for babies and toddlers that introduces a wide range of skills helping your little one to develop their language and numeracy, fine motor skills, stimulate their sensory development and most importantly enjoy a special bonding time with you and your child whilst meeting others.
The group includes singing action songs, traditional nursery rhymes, Makaton and sensory fun. The session consists of:
10am - Arrival
10.15am - Singing
11 - 11.30am - Drinks, biscuits and play
Mumbaba is a great way to meet other parents/ grandparents/ carers and also great for your little one to socialise with similar ages.
Mumbaba includes:
Free taster sessions
Free parking
Free refreshments